Voice Coaching

Individual Therapy Sessions For Individuals or Companies

Voice Coaching and Speech Therapy For Corporates

Are you struggling to make your voice heard in the corporate world? Do you find yourself repeating, mumbling, or feeling exhausted after a day of speaking? It's time to take control of your voice and unlock your full potential with our Voice Coaching program.

Is Voice Coaching Right for You?

Take a moment to reflect:

  • Do you often repeat yourself to be understood?

  • Do you struggle to speak loudly?

  • Are you difficult to hear in noisy environments?

  • Do you run out of breath while speaking?

  • Does your voice feel tired by the end of the day?

  • Do people have trouble understanding you?

  • Are you unable to capture your audience's attention?

  • Do you slur your words or mumble?

  • Is your voice too high or too low?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then Voice Coaching is likely to benefit you.

What You'll Master with Voice Coaching:

  1. Breath Support: Learn techniques to improve breath control, ensuring sustained and powerful speech.

  2. Optimum Pitch: Discover your ideal pitch and how to adjust it for maximum impact and clarity.

  3. Resonance: Develop a full, captivating voice that resonates with confidence and authority.

  4. Volume and Voice Projection: Project your voice effectively, ensuring your message is heard clearly in any setting.

  5. Giving Life to Your Voice: Master the art of speaking with pace, pause, expression, and color, captivating your audience with every word.

Tailored Solutions for Individuals and Corporates:

Our experienced therapists customise programs to meet the unique needs of both individuals and corporate teams. Whether you're seeking personal improvement or aiming to enhance team communication skills, we're committed to helping you succeed.

Don't let communication barriers hinder your professional growth. Schedule your Voice Coaching appointment today and embark on a transformative journey to unlock the full potential of your voice, both as an individual and within the corporate setting.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you…

  1. Download the information pack to learn more. Click here

  2. Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with one of our therapists. Click here

  3. Book your initial appointment. Click here